Going to counseling can feel like a BIG decision. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma associated with seeking help from mental health professional. This stigma is often rooted in misconceptions about what counseling is and what it means about those who seek it. So, before we talk about anything else, I'd like to clarify some aspects about the therapeutic process (or at least the therapeutic process at Holistic Counseling Group). Ok! Here we go!
Counseling is a collaborative process
Feel free to toss out that Sigmund Freud image of counseling! You know, the one of you lying on a sofa talking about your dreams while an expert jots down notes you never get to see. Thankfully, counseling is a much more collaborative process, one in which you have control of your goals, how your time is invested, and what you would like to talk about. No counselor will be an expert in your life, so it's important that you feel a sense of autonomy and ownership over the work you do with your counselor.
Counseling serves as an emotionally safe space
Through the unique counseling aspects of confidentiality, trust building, and establishing a positive relationship, there will (or rather should) come a place in your counseling process where you feel comfortable to be you. As a counselor, I always strive to build environment where my clients can safely express their feelings, thoughts, and experiences without fear of judgement or rejection. The goal is to make you feel heard.
Counseling can be uncomfortable
Now, being emotionally safe does not safeguard the counseling process from being somewhat uncomfortable. Your counselor will most likely ask questions or pose challenges to you that can fall outside your comfort zone. You may delve into topics that make you feel more vulnerable than what you are used to and that's okay. Growth and change cannot happen unless we explore areas outside our status quo. Keep in mind that even throughout these difficult conversations, you are always in control over how much you want to say and when you want to say it. We want all of our clients to feel empowered to ask for what they need, including breaks from difficult topics!
Counselors are not advise-givers
If you're looking for advise, you are not likely to get it from a counselor. Most counselors have training and knowledge on what healthy behaviors and decisions can look like, but the reality is that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to life, so it would be presumptuous of us to claim we know what is best for any of our clients. Through the process of counseling many clients find something that much more valuable than a piece of advice; they find the confidence and skills to look within and make the decisions that feel right for them.
Counseling can be rewarding
Whether it's a reduction in depression and anxiety, an increase in self-care, more harmonious relationships with others, or any other personal goal, many people experience positive changes as a result of the work they do in counseling. At the end of their journey many clients tell us they are happier and more satisfied with themselves and their lives (which is music to our ears!). So although counseling may not always include a sense of immediate gratification, the long-term payoff of your work can be extremely rewarding.
Now let's go back to original questions. How do you know if counseling is right you? Well, if you are looking to achieve change (e.g. feel happier, improve your self-care, have a better relationship with those you love, worry less, etc.) and are willing to do the work to get there, then counseling can be a huge asset for you. After all, we go to the doctor when we want to be physically healthy, why not seek help from a mental health professional when we want to be emotionally healthy (or healthier!)?
If you have additional questions or concerns about the counseling process, please don't hesitate to give us a call! We would be happy to provide you with a free consultation and answer all your questions!