Have you ever noticed that when life gets busy, wellness goes out the window? We forget all about our commitment to healthy eating and exercise and instead find ourselves on the couch, reaching for the chocolate and binge watching our favorite TV show. Not there is anything wrong with an evening as lovely as that, but it's important to know that when we are feeling most stressed is also when we are feeling most vulnerable to engage in those immediate gratification "treats" that can end up working against us. I dare say that most of us probably don't feel energized and full of joy after eating heavy foods and several hours of screen time.
So, what would it be like if at our most stressed we engaged in activities that directly addressed our stress instead of ones that distracted us from our stress? Activities such as exercising, healthy eating, volunteering, utilizing our support system, meditating, etc. I suspect that we would probably notice a turn for the better.
In his article titled "Lifestyle and Mental Health" (2011), Dr. Walsh from UC Irvine summarizes the positive impact these small lifestyle changes can have on someone's physical and mental health. These healthy habits, he explains, could be helpful in fighting depression and other mental illness, and enhance feelings of wellbeing and calmness. He goes on to discuss specific wellness habits, which he refers to as the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. They include many of the habits we already know to be good for us (exercising, maintaining healthy relationships, relaxing, etc.).
I know, I know! We all have pretty good idea of what is healthy and good for us. The pickle is how we get to put this knowledge into practice. What stops us? The reality is that this is a very personal question that only we can answer for ourselves. Is is fear of failure? Is it feelings of guilt? Is it something as simple as lack of time?
Regardless of the reason, I am inviting each of you to reconsider your views on wellness. Instead of thinking of it as a pesky task you want to check off your list, think of it as a smart investment in yourself that is bound to have positive results. Know that wellness is not only about eating carrots and meditating in the forest! It's also about having fun with you friends, getting a massage, and creating something you enjoy (a yummy dish, a painting, music, etc.).
So go ahead! Carve out a little time for yourself! Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you for it.