Writing helped me survive. Growing up in a dysfunctional home (like so many of us!), I remember my journal being my sanctuary. This little notebook, with it's crisp blank pages, represented an island of solace that gave me the much-needed freedom to simply be me. On those pages, it was okay to express anger, sadness, resentment; it was okay to write the stories that I didn't dare share with anyone else; it was okay to ask the questions that were burning in my mind and heart. It was through journaling that I came to better understand and accept myself, my family, and the world around me.
It was very gratifying to be reminded of the power of journaling during my clinical training to become a mental health counselor. I learned that journaling is often used as a coping strategy and therapeutic intervention for many people looking for relief from their own feelings of depression, anxiety, and past hurts. As a therapist, I've had the privilege of witnessing people's stories pouring out of them and onto pages, and have seen the emotional weight coming off. I have seen people find their very own island of solace.
If you have never tried it, don't be intimidated. Journaling can be a little uncomfortable at first, but remember discomfort is the birthplace for growth. If you need a little help to get started, check out some of these writing prompts to get some of your creative juices flowing:
- What is your earliest memory? Can you describe it detail?
- Write about a significant, life-altering moment for you. Why was it important? What was your emotional experience of that moment?
- What is something you have survived? How are you different because of that experience?
- What are your wildest dreams for yourself? How can these dreams be converted into goals?
- Write about the things in your life you are grateful for. What makes them special to you?
The possibilities for topics are endless, so feel free to explore the depths of your own imagination and experiences to enjoy the catharsis of writing!
Long story short: journaling can be amazingly therapeutic. And the best part? Writing is almost always available to us! All you need is some paper and a pen (or a computer if that's your thing)!
I'll leave you with this quote by author Cristina Baldwin: "Journal writing is a voyage to the interior".
Happy writing!