Ever wonder what we could do with all that time we spend perusing around on facebook/twitter/instagram? What would it be feel like to experience a special moment but resist the urge to share it online? Would our days be different? Well, wonder no more! I'm here to present you with a challenge to put the device down and, even if it's just for a few days, live your experiences as an only and unique beholder; I'm presenting you with an opportunity to not be overwhelmed with copious amounts of information about the lives of others, decoration ideas, politics, make-up tutorials, the state of the world, etc. In the simplest terms, I'm offering a well-deserved break from the digital world, that might (just might), create some space to appreciate the present a little more and refocus on other important values.
If you're ready to take this challenge on, check out these tips that might help you be successful with your media cleanse:
Now, you may feeling fearless today and decide you're doing to this cold-turkey, and if you are, good for you! For most of us though, changing a habit can be a slow and difficult process. For that reason, it is important to make sure we establish realistic goals that are still challenging, but not impossible. As a helpful tip for setting realistic goals, follow the SMART goal acronym; set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For example, instead of saying "I'm off of all social media forever!" try "I will not be logging on to Facebook for the the next 5 days." Setting realistic goals will make it more likely for us to succeed and adjust our expectations so that the media cleanse feels more enjoyable.
When you cut out social media, it may be that you find yourself with more time and may even be (dare I say it) BORED! For that reason it can be important to decide what you might do with the extra time. Are you going to use it for a workout? Will you be calling your grandma more often? Will you finally begin that gardening (or knitting, or painting, or...you get the picture) project? No matter what it is, be prepared with how you would like to invest this new found time. This will help prevent slip-ups that slide us back into our old ways.
You know how 3 days into diets, we cave into the temptation of a co-workers birthday cake? And then we're all like "ohhh forget it, I already messed up, so I'll start again next Monday!" And then proceed to fall down with rabbit whole of debauchery for the rest of the week... Yah, I know the feeling. For some reason, our minds convince us that perfection is the only option, when really, it's simply not. For our media cleanse, try viewing your "cheating moments" as momentary slip ups and not full-on relapses. This will help you stick with the plan, even after the brief moments of weakness, that are actually quite normal when trying to change a habit. In other words, give yourself the grace to make mistakes, but get back on the wagon as soon you can. I know you can do it!
Last but not least, be sure to be mindful of how you're progressing through your media cleanse. Notice your mood, your productivity, your level of stress, etc. Is anything changing? You may choose to keep a journal or a rating scale to monitor any potential changes. Be open to whatever information you find; you may surprise yourself. At the end of your cleanse, try reflecting on lessons learned and next steps. You can decide to go back to your regular media use, you may decided to extend your cleanse, or you may decide to find a more balanced way of using social media. No matter what your next step is, make sure that you make an intentional and thoughtful decision based on your lessons learned.
The reality is that, for many in today's world, social media is a way of feeling connected and supported by a network of people. This cleanse is not meant to place judgement on our social media habits. Rather, the goal of the cleanse is to figure out what works for us when it comes to social media usage. Are our habits balanced, healthy, and most importantly are they beneficial to mental, physical, and spiritual health? After all, we all want to find ways to be our optimal selves and feel happy!
Good luck and happy cleansing!